sexta-feira, 27 de março de 2009

Bruno Bettelheim

Biografia Durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial quando os alemães ocuparam a Áustria ele foi deportado junto com outros judeus austríacos para o campo de concentração de Dachau e, mais tarde, para Buchenwald. Aí pôde observar os comportamentos humanos quando o indivíduo é sujeito a condições extremas, percepcionadas como radicalmente destrutivas (desumanização), que estiveram mais tarde na base das suas teorias sobre a origem do autismo. Graças a uma amnistia em 1939, Bettelheim e centenas de outros prisioneiros foram libertados, o que lhe salvou a vida. Emigrou então rumo aos Estados Unidos, onde foi professor de psicologia em universidades americanas e dirigiu o Instituto Sonia-Shankman em Chicago para crianças psicóticas, destacando-se o seu trabalho com crianças autistas. Cometeu suicídio em 1990. Bettelheim é reconhecido como um prestigiado psicólogo na área da psicologia infantil.
Obras 1943 "Individual and Mass Behavior in Extreme Situations", Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 38: 417-452. 1950 Love Is Not Enough: The Treatment of Emotionally Disturbed Children, Free Press, Glencoe, Ill. 1954 Symbolic Wounds; Puberty Rites and the Envious Male, Free Press, Glencoe, Ill. 1955 Truants From Life; The Rehabilitation of Emotionally Disturbed Children, Free Press, Glencoe, Ill. 1959 "Joey: A 'Mechanical Boy'", Scientific American, 200, March 1959: 117-126. (About a boy who believes himself to be a robot.) 1960 The Informed Heart: Autonomy in a Mass Age, The Free Press, Glencoe, Ill. 1962 Dialogues with Mothers, The Free Press, Glencoe, Ill. 1967 The Empty Fortress: Infantile autism and the birth of the self, The Free Press, New York 1969 The Children of the Dream, Macmillan, London & New York (About the raising of children in kibbutz.) 1974 A Home for the Heart, Knopf, New York. (About Bettelheim's Orthogenic School at the University of Chicago for schizophrenic and autistic children.) 1976 The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales, Knopf, New York (trad. portuguesa: Psicanálise dos contos de fadas.) 1979 Surviving and Other Essays, Knopf, New York (Includes the essay "The Ignored Lesson of Anne Frank".) 1982 On Learning to Read: The Child's Fascination with Meaning (with Karen Zelan), Knopf, New York 1982 Freud and Man's Soul, Knopf, New York 1987 A Good Enough Parent: A book on Child-Rearing, Knopf, New York 1990 Freud's Vienna and Other Essays, Knopf, New York
Obras sobre Bettelheim
Angres, Ronald: "Who, Really, Was Bruno Bettelheim?", Commentary, 90, (4), October 1990: 26-30. Bersihand, Geneviève : Bettelheim, R. Jauze, Champigny-sur-Marne, 1977. Eliot, Stephen: Not the Thing I Was: Thirteen Years at Bruno Bettelheim's Orthogenic School, St. Martin's Press, 2003. Frattaroli, Elio: "Bruno Bettelheim´s Unrecognized Contribution to Psychoanalytic Thought", Psychoanalytic Review, 81:379-409, 1994. Heisig, James W.: "Bruno Bettelheim and the Fairy Tales", Children's Literature, 6, 1977: 93-115. Krumenacker, Franz-Josef: Bettelheim: Grundpositionen seiner Theorie und Praxis, Reinhardt/UTB für Wissenschaft, München, 1998. Marcus, Paul: Autonomy in the Extreme Situation. Bruno Bettelheim, the Nazi Concentration Camps and the Mass Society, Praeger, Westport, Conn., 1999. Pollak, Richard: The Creation of Dr. B: A Biography of Bruno Bettelheim, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1997. Raines, Theron: Rising to the Light: A Portrait of Bruno Bettelheim, Knopf, New York, 2002. Sutton, Nina: Bruno Bettelheim: The Other Side of Madness, Duckworth Press, London, 1995. (Translated from the French by David Sharp in collaboration with the author. Subsequently published with the title Bruno Bettelheim, a Life and a Legacy.) Zipes, Jack: "On the Use and Abuse of Folk and Fairy Tales with Children: Bruno Bettelheim's Moralistic Magic Wand", in Zipes, Jack: Breaking the Magic Spell: Radical Theories of Folk and Fairy Tales, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1979.

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